Moving Fanny on Mother’s Day?
I got home pretty late after spending a wonderful evening with my good friend Jeannette and her family. Went to bed 1:00am. Unfortunately and somewhat expected, it disrupted my day even after 7 hours of sleep. It was 11:15am and was feeling sleepy. Thus, what to do? was not about to waste my day.
What’s one the best ways to wake up the endorphins? Move Your Fanny! Thus, I stopped what I was doing and headed to gym for a 5K row. 25:04 minutes later, with a non-strenuous and steady pace, I was ready to go on, body was supplied with good and positive energy. By the way, you can get this feeling by just doing a few rounds of 30-60 seconds of burst exercises.
At 6pm, I went for a more intense workout 🙂
20 min AMRAP (As Many Reps As Possible)
10 Push Press (55 lbs)
10 GHD Sit Ups
10 Box Jumps (24 inches)
Completed 8 rounds + 11 reps.
Yes, heading to bed by 11:00pm. Rest the body parts, allow hormones do their work while I sleep, and wake up refreshed for a good Monday and week.
I hope you practice self-care, moved your fanny, and had a good Mother’s Day celebration…in person, phone, and memories. Be Fit and Healthy, Age Beautifully, Be You!
Cheers everyone!