Lots of shoulder on 3/16/16 WOD…went light to minimize chances of damaging more of my ‘goods’ while getting a good workout. Gotta save shoulders for volleyball 🙂
How did you move your fanny?
Mins 1 & 2:
200m Run + AMRAP Overhead squat (42 lbs)
Min 3: Rest
Mins 4 & 5:
15 Cal Row + AMRAP Wall balls (12 lbs)
Min 6: Rest
Mins 7 & 8:
200m Run + AMRAP DB Push Press 15lbs / arm
Mins 9: Rest
Mins 10 & 11:
15 Cal Row + AMRAP Overhead squat (42 lbs)
Min 12: Rest
Mins 13 & 14:
200m Run + AMRAP Wall balls (12 lbs)
Min 15: Rest
Mins 16 & 17:
15 Cal Row + AMRAP DB Push Press 15lbs / arm
Completed total of 123 reps: 29 overhead squat, 43 wall balls, 51 presses
Just for fun, a few of us did 8 EMOM of 8x GHD sit ups to cool down.