Cheers to self-care!
I had a great time playing in a volleyball tournament, dancing, catching up with friends, and appreciating the ocean view Fort Walton Beach, FL offers. I left Atlanta on Thursday evening and went straight to AJ’s, in Destin at midnight. Said hello to friends and hit the dance floor until they were about to kick me out at 3:30am. I spent so many hours staring at the ocean, met a few great people, spotted dolphins, and drunk a few margaritas. Yes, I make alcohol consumptions exceptions when I go to this spot. Yesterday, I left the beach just on time to catch the gym. Tough and yet awesome! Literally, body was craving a good workout. Check out memories made.
As far as food goes, I cooked and brought my food. I cooked broccoli, cauliflower, squash, chicken, hard boil eggs, and red cabbage. Also brought walnuts, pumpkin seeds, brazil nuts, chia seeds gel, and hemp seeds. I also brought greens, cocktail of food/herb powders, coconut milk, avocado, beets, and green apples for smoothies.
Workout: 2 Rounds (done in 44:45 min)
400m Run
26 Hand Release Pushups
400m Row
26 KBS (35 lbs)
400m Run
26 AbMat Sit-Ups
400m Row
26 Hip Extensions
400m Run
26 Double-Unders
400m Row
26 Box Jumps (20 inches)