Rest Day: Easy 5K – Got Muscles Movings

Rest Day: Easy 5K – Got Muscles Movings

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row5K-rest dayTuesday, 3/22, Rest Day

I avoid working out more than 3 days in a row. Nonetheless, it is important to keep moving our fannies. The body is not made to sit around and move little.

It was a great way to see the sun to come down. Rower and myself facing the sun, bluetooth jamming dance music, and consistent pace for an easy 5K ride. Benefits of rowing here.

Objective was just to move my muscles, so i focused on form and consistent pace Barely broke a sweat after ~ 25:35 min. Felt pretty good and got me a second wind of energy.

Do you really need energy drinks? coffee? or whatever ‘crap’ full of junk, coloring, etc for energy when you can exercise?  You don’t need 10min, or 20min, or 30min. Do BURST EXERCISES!  3 sets of 30-60 seconds, 30-60sec break, and you will see the burst of energy it will give you. FREE and HEALTHY energy boost!


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