Join us on July 28 to learn ways to restore your vitality

Join us on July 28 to learn ways to restore your vitality

Get lifestyle content to help you feel more energetic, stronger, and committed to your health journey!

Come to B’s Bistro for a Health and Wellness workshop on July 26th, Tuesday, at 6:30pm. Sign up at

I will share my knowledge and passion about how you can greatly improve your quality of life holistically. Come to this highly engaging workshop to learn how to:

  • Improve energy
  • Improve sleep
  • Improve fat burning and build lean mass
  • Reduce cravings and hunger after meals
  • Feel fabulous and you take charge of your own well-being!

My mission is to Empower People To Be Fit and Healthy, Age Beautifully, Be Themselves!

Be Fab – Be You LLC provides individualized health and fitness programs to those struggling with weight, fatigue, burnout, brain fog, blood sugar imbalances, digestion, and inflammation. I advocate for anti-inflammatory lifestyle and that all five key lifestyle areas of Smart Nutrition Choices, Sleep, Exercise, Stress, and Timing are pivotal for wellness.

Schedule a FREE 45 minute session to discuss your health concerns and goals. Sign up for her newsletter to receive a FREE Healing and Anti-Inflammatory Foods Shopping List.

***P.S. B’s Bistro is NOT enforcing a minimum consumption for this event. However, if consumption is low, they have told they will enforce minimum $10 per person, which means I will have to pass costs to attendees. Thank you for your understanding and participating it.

A 4-Day Mini Cleanse Is Your Ultimate Reset!

Turn back the clock, reboot your health, and feel amazing from the inside out!

Get toxins out of the way so you can reignite your weight loss and feel happy in your own skin!

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