Heck Yeah…100x GHDs. Sleep to Perform?

Heck Yeah…100x GHDs. Sleep to Perform?

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Functional Exercise Sweat

Just A Little Sweaty

Workout, 3K row, 100x GHDs

Good afternoon moving my fanny today, 4/1/16. I think 8 hours of sleep I had last night made a difference 🙂

WOD 1) 3 Rounds (Completed in 13:25 minutes)
10 Pull Ups
10 Front Squats (85 lbs)
10 Burpees  (first time doing them since shoulder injury)
Directly into…
KBS (35 lbs)
Box Jumps (20 inches)

Very humid afternoon. I hadn’t sweated that much in a while, can you tell?


WOD 2) Rowed 3,000 meter — easy pace, 15 minutes


WOD 3) 10 sets of 10x GHD sit ups. 20 sec rest between sets. Rounds reps 6-10 of rounds 9 and 10 got a little more challenging. This was my first time doing more than 75 GHDs.  Let’s see how my abs till be feeling tomorrow 🙂

WOD 4) Stretching post workouts 🙂 

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