Dirty 30 – 10 Fun Movements

Dirty 30 – 10 Fun Movements

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Pull up Burpee or push upAre for “DIRTY 30”?

I got my fanny moving well on Monday, 4/11/16, with dynamic workout. I really enjoy these type and don’t like to miss them when on schedule. When I looked at the clock at minute 7 or so, I was already dripping sweat. Front squats burned you, push press are always challenging due to poor shoulder mobility. They take me forever to do. By the time of burpees, just gotta keep telling yourself…keep moving, don’t stop. They take me even longer to do. 

30 Box Jumps (20 inches)
30 Pull Ups 
30 Kettlebell Swings (35 lbs)
30 Front Squats (77 lbs)
30 Toes To Ring
30 Push Press (55 lbs)
30 Deadlifts (85 lbs)
30 Wall Balls (14 lbs – 9.5 ft high)
30 Burpees
30 Double Unders

Completed it in 25:19 min. As hard as it is, great burst of energy comes afterwards. Cheers to happy hormones!

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