It’s Valentine’s. It’s Time To Celebrate You!

It’s Valentine’s. It’s Time To Celebrate You!

Happy Valentine's Day from Maria at

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I am a firm believer that pursuing a healthy relationship with ourselves shall come first always. A relationship we respect, love, and accept our uniqueness so that we can be loved, accepted, and be our best to others. 

Yes, I am a day early sending you this message. That is because I want to encourage YOUR to prepare yourself to have a fabulous Valentine’s Day.

I am giving permission to share unsolicited ideas/thoughts for your February 14th…

  • Wake up and give priority to YOURSELF before anyone or anything else. It could be two minutes. The more, the merrier!
  • Say it out loud or Think out loud a few ‘I Am…” affirmations. If you still think affirmations are for woo-woo’s, you are at a loss.
  • A few affirmations to get you started: I am loved. I am love. I am healthy. I am beautiful. I am kind. I am courageous. I am free. I am talented. Affirmations may reflect you today and you in your future!
  • Jot down a few words/sentences that express your gratitude

If you are also single, be extra kind to yourself. Think about ways to fuel your body and mind with love, kindness, appreciation, and positive energy. You do not need anyone else to bring you joy. Get it from within

If you do have a partner to celebrate Valentine’s with, excellent. What activities do bring joy to both of you? What activities do bring you closer?  What memory do you want to build by spending this Valentine’s together?  

Whether you are single or have a loved one to spend time with, shut down all distractions (phone, TV, emails, challenges, controversies, politics, etc).  Yes, you CAN do that. It’s about YOU!. Give Yourselves Permission To Be Fully Present and Enjoy The Moment. You Deserve It.

Happy Valentine’s Day!

On a side note…When you and you & partner are ready to up-level your fitness, the Be Fab – Be You Fitness Taster  is a perfect opportunity to do that at a low introductory cost and risk.

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