Contributor Author of America’s Leading Ladies

Contributor Author of America’s Leading Ladies


Get lifestyle content to help you feel more energetic, stronger, and committed to your health journey!


I am very excited to share that I am now a contributor author!!!  The eBook version of America’s Leading Ladies  is now released! Hard and Kindle versions are also available HERE.


I hope that reading these stories will inspire you to connect with your dreams and aspiration so that you give life to it.

The Book Shines a Light on the Superpower Feminine Spirit in Action!


Oprah Winfrey, Melinda Gates, and 50 Women of Distinction–Including Maria Horstmann, founder of, Share Their Success Stories.

In their Inspiring Optimism and Passion to Moving Forward, They Speak to All of Us – to Take Charge of Our Own Destiny and Live Our Dreams.

Often, reading and listening to others who have gone and are going through big changes may be just what we need to take a leap.

Get your copy via Amazon TODAY and HERE!

Enjoy it!

A 4-Day Mini Cleanse Is Your Ultimate Reset!

Turn back the clock, reboot your health, and feel amazing from the inside out!

Get toxins out of the way so you can reignite your weight loss and feel happy in your own skin!

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