Wishing You Merry Holidays!

Wishing You Merry Holidays!


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I would like to take a minute to send you my best wishes during this season of love, giving, memories, and reflection. Whether you celebrate Christmas, Kwanzaa, Hanukkah, Solstice, or simply the changing of the year, this is a great time to BE.

My family’s tradition in Brazil has been to spend Christmas Eve and celebrate passage together. I’ve always LOVED it. It’s my fav holiday and season of the year. Last year, I spent quality time with my family in Brazil. This year, I am spending time with friends in Atlanta and has been wonderful–check a few moments I’ve captured thus far.

Talking about self-care, as you reflect on 2016 to start 2017 ‘right’, I ask you when was the last time you took time to just BE? How often do you practice SELF-CARE?

I would like to invite you to watch/listen here to Andy Puddicombe’s Ted Talk on 10 minutes of doing nothing.  An added bonus is his accent!  Thinking to watch it later? Are you really going to? Likely not, right? The time is NOW. Be PRESENT. Be IN THE MOMENT. Do it for YOURSELF!

Make it a blessed and fulfilling day. With love from my heart to yours,


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