How did you move your fanny?
Have You Tried DB Snatches? Share here!
Good day for shoulder recovery trajectory. First overhead movement in 3 months! Light start on clean and jerks and DB snatches.
10min EMOM
Odd: 2 Clean & Jerks (55lbs)
Even: 16 Alt. Step Ups (20in box)
Then: 6 min AMRAP
2 Alternating 1-arm DB Snatches (1/side) (15lbs)
2 10m shuttle runs*
4 Alternating 1-arm DB Snatches (2/side) (70/50/30)
4 10m shuttle runs
6 Alternating 1-arm DB Snatches (3/side) (70/50/30)
6 10m shuttle runs…
Continue as high as possible in within the six minute time cap.
Completed 12 full rounds + 8x DB snatches. Are you ready to Get You Fanny Moving?
#BeFabBeYou #fitness #overhead